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    While BlueScope (BlueScope Steel Limited - referred to in the remainder of this document as BlueScope) has endeavoured to ensure that all information provided on BlueScope Internet websites is accurate and up to date, BlueScope  takes no responsibility for any error or omission relating to this information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, BlueScope will not be liable for any cost, loss or damage suffered by you through your use of BlueScope's Internet websites or BlueScope's failure to provide access to these Internet websites or information updates.
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    Follow the link to read BlueScope's Privacy Policy
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    BlueScope offers a free subscription service so that you may receive information about BlueScope by e-mail. While BlueScope endeavours to provide you with this information on a timely basis, BlueScope cannot guarantee that delivery by e-mail will not be delayed.
  • Updating this Privacy Policy

    The content of this Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, so we suggest that you return to the website on a regular basis and carefully read the information provided.
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